NOAA’s National Weather Service
US Offshore Marine Text Forecasts by Zone
Preparing for Severe Weather Conditions
The following is a list of resources to assist New Jersey residents and boaters prepare for severe coastal storms and their impacts.
Severe Coastal Storm Weather Tracking Sites
NOAA National Hurricane Center
Hurricane Accuweather
Intellicast Hurricane Tracker
Weather Underground
Storm Preparedness Resources
NJ Office of Emergency Management – “NJOEM works closely with our federal, state and local partners to prepare for virtually all hazards, natural or man made, that could affect New Jersey’s families, communities and businesses.”
New Jersey Coastal Evacuation Maps – Maps detailing coastal evacuation routes for New Jersey counties.
Preparedness Resources & Links for Businesses in New Jersey – Information from the Office of Emergency Management specifically for Businesses in New Jersey.
BOAT US Hurricane Resource Center – Readiness resources specifically for boaters with information on how to protect marine vessels in the event of hazardous coastal events like hurricanes, tropical storms, and Nor’easters. All resources are free and easily downloadable.
Preparing Your Boat For A Hurricane– An informative video courtesy of our colleagues at Florida Sea Grant filled with tips and suggestions for preparing your boat ahead of a storm.
Stevens Institute of Technology Storm Surge Warning System – Subscribe by email to receive storm surge warning notifications for activity along the New Jersey coastline.
NJ Coast and Harbor and Prediction System at The Center for Maritime Systems at Stevens Institute of Technology forecasts and displays information on water levels, waves and currents during severe storms.